What is a high / median / low comp-set ?
The Comp-set is a group of hotels, in which your hotel will be compared to in Fornova CI.
You can define up to 3 groups of comp-sets, currently limited to up to 10 hotels per group.
The comparison type defines the way the hotel rates are compared vs. the comp-set rates:
Median (default) - Hotel rates will be compared vs. the median rates of the defined comp-set
High Set - Hotel rates will be compared vs. the lowest rate of the compset
Low Set - Hotel rates will be compared vs. the highest rate of the compset
The comp-set is classified under three categories:
Primary Compset: Your direct Compset, this can be measured under Median comparison type.
Secondary Compset: Your indirect Compset, this can be measured under your high or low comparison type.
You can read more about deciding your hotel’s compset here.