Can I change my comp-set in CI?
You can access the comp-set setting from the account options menu:
The compset setting page includes tabs presenting available compsets. The name of the compset is as the tab label, with the number of hotels defined in each compset. The compset names are default but can be changed per users’ needs. You can change the compset name by clicking an edit icon near the compset label by hovering your mouse over it.
The compset hotels are sorted by the distance from your hotel. You can search/filter the list using the search field. Adding a hotel to the compset is done by checking the select button. Removing a hotel from the compset is done by clicking the 'V' icon. In order for a compset to be active, you must select at least 1 hotel, but no more than 10 hotels per compset. Then just save the compset setting by clicking the ‘Update’ button.