How does FornovaDI perform MSE comparisons if the brand bid doesn’t exist on Meta?
Metasearch sites aggregate and compare different providers bidding rates for the same shop (hotel per specific lead day/s from a specific PoS).
There is a pricing policy of MSE (Meta-search-engines) that is set to OTAs which want to publish their prices on the meta site. They (meta sites) allow OTAs to publish different prices per different PoS and it depends on the PoS which price is displayed on the meta site. On the same MSE, the rates can be presented as Net, Total or Subtotal (net+some of the taxes included) and all the bidders must follow the stated pricing policy of MSE.
If Brand didn’t bid on the meta-search we will use the rates taken from the Brand site and compare it to the provider’s bidding rates on the meta-search. FornovaDI picks the same type of price that is stated by the pricing policy of the MSE for the given PoS in order to provide the relevant comparison.
For example, according to the pricing policy of Tripadvisor for the PoS US all the bidders may show Net rates for their bids. In this case, we will take also Net price from your brand site and compare it to the shown bid on MSE.
We took the Net rate from the site. In this case, we do not click on the other options and take the shown price for the cheapest double room available at the moment of scanning.
And it was compared to the OTA bid on MSE. In this example, we took the shown Booking bid on Tripadvisor. Do not forget that while taking the rates from MSE we always pick the shown rate without clicking on the OTA bid and taking the rate from the OTA website.
So, in cases where your brand bid doesn't exist on the MSE at the moment of scanning, we will take the rate from the website and compare it to the shown OTA bid on MSE.